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Quickly Learn How to
Ace Your Dental School Interviews...
so you can get accepted!

Dental school mock interview

The Best Way To Ace Your Dental School Interview. Period. 

Mock Interviews with Dental School Interview Experts

There's no better way to ace your dental school interview than by getting coached by interview experts.
Get mock interviews with constructive feedback from a dental school interview coach, so you can ace your dental school interview.

Practice with 200+ Actual Dental School Interview Questions

Access our 200+ actual dental school interview questions, including MMI and PBL interview questions.
We'll provide you with interview questions that are specifically from the school you're interviewing at... Just another benefit of teaming with Predenting's dental school admissions experts.
Learn what admissions officers are looking, and the best ways to prepare for different dental school interview questions.

Turn Your Anxiety into Confidence and Charisma

Learn our proven methods that can help turn your interview anxiety into ​passionate enthusiasm and excitement, so you can impress your interviewers.

Answer Any Question, Perfectly
Master our interview answering structure to answer interview questions concisely and effectively on the spot.
We integrate the best strategies into your answers to help show you are the perfect fit for each dental school you're interviewing at.

Turn Your Interview Invitation Into an Acceptance

Use your new dental school interview abilities to score higher on your interview than your competition, and help secure your acceptance.

"The most reliable way to turn a dental school interview into an acceptance..."

Andrew, founder of dental school admissions advising

Allow me to introduce myself... 

Hi, I'm Dr. Andrew! CEO and founder of Predenting

Advised 450+ predentals on their interviews, personal statement, and application.
Accepted to top-7 dental schools in the world. Graduated from UCLA's School of Dentistry.

Served on the AADSAS Advisory Group, which helps run the dental school application.

Helping pre-dentals get accepted to dental school for 5+ years with a team including former admissions officers

My promise to you is that I'll help make you an undeniable applicant so you can get accepted to dental school, like I have for so many others.

See What Predentals Are Saying About Our Dental School Interview Coaching

Success Stories

Kathryn P google review - interview prep copy.png
Yoyo review parts 1 and 2 copy.png
Liz Mao Google Review copy.png
Caleb Gonzalez Review copy.png
Chloe Wilkinson Google Review - interview prep copy.png
Farrah Muwalla Google Review copy.png
Maria Adj Google Review copy.png
Jas google review - comprehensive copy.png
Andrew Surya google review - interview prep copy.png
adam barrack google review - interview prep - copy.png
Yussuf Jabar google review - interview prep copy.png

Our Interview Coaching Has Gotten Pre-Dentals Just Like Yourself Accepted to These Schools, and Many More...

Ready to Turn Your Interview Invitation Into An Acceptance? 


Interview Strategy Advising

Mock Interviews

Perfect interview answer development, scripting, and "creative framing"

Practice with Interview Questions Unique to the School You Interview At

Access to 200+ dental school interview questions

Learn to diminish your interview anxiety

Current Price Savings

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Total Coaching Time:




7 hours

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4 hours




2 hours


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customer satisfaction guaranteed

Satisfaction Guarantee: No-questions-asked 14-day satisfaction guarantee. If you don't feel as if your interview skills have dramatically improved and your answers are not more influential, engaging, and outstanding within the first 14 days of using our interview coaching service, let us know before your second interview prep session, and we'll provide you with a refund. We've helped 400+ pre-dentals, and know we can help you too!

Will You Be Our Next Success Story?

UCSF School of Dentistry acceptance
Creighton dental school acceptance letter
NYU Dentistry acceptance
Kentucky dental school acceptance letter
UNE dental school acceptance letter
UCLA dental school acceptance letter
Detroit mercy dental school acceptance
AT Still Missouri dental school acceptance letter
Touro college of dental medicine acceptance letter
AT Still Arizona dental school acceptance letter

Ready to Get Accepted to Dental School?

Limited Spots. Book Now.

Practice with Interview Experts

Strategically Answer Questions 
Ace Your Dental School Interview

Accept Your Admissions Offer!

Predenting Gives You THE TOOLS AND STRATEGIES You Need To Get Accepted To Dental School!

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