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How Much Does Applying to Dental School Cost?


Getting into dental school is no easy task; gaining admissions requires hurdling through massive time commitments to excel in school, paying for DAT courses and the actual DAT fees, admissions advising services, flying out to interviews and the accompanying travel costs, and more.

So when it comes to the actual application process, the ADEA AADSAS application fees and supplemental school fees can be an expensive investment. Here's what you can expect:

  • $245 base AADSAS Application fee (which includes sending the application to just one dental school.

  • $93 AADSAS fee for sending your application to each additional school after the first school.

  • $60 - $125 per school supplemental application fee, which should be paid directly to each dental school you're applying to. The average supplemental application fee amongst all dental schools is about $75.

With that breakdown, the cost of applying to just 12 dental schools adds up to a total of about $2,200, at an average total cost of $183 per school.

That’s why creating a proper school list is so important when applying to dental school. Investing the time and resources into making sure that you’re not applying to schools that will auto-reject you can literally save you hundreds of dollars.

A proper school selection program should include a curated list that includes a handful of "target" schools and a few "reach" schools that fit with your holistic profile - not just your DAT or GPA.

Choosing your list of dental schools can be extremely stressful because there are over 67 dental schools to apply to, and applying to just one school that won't seriously consider your dental school application will cost you over $200.

After reviewing over 200 school lists from dental applicants, we have found that the average dental school applicant applies to an average of two to three dental schools where their application will be immediately rejected because of certain criteria that each school has, but are not widely known or publicized.

You don't have to be one of the thousands of pre-dentals who waste an average of $400 applying to wrong dental schools each year. We can help make sure that you do not waste your money, and also ensure that your school list is perfect for your holistic profile.

Whether you need help selecting schools to apply to, help with your personal statement, or interview advice, Predenting is the #1 rated dental school admissions advising service.

Schedule a FREE admissions advising consultation to make sure that you're on the right path to getting accepted to dental school.


If plan on applying to dental school and want to put your best foot forward to get accepted your first time applying … we can help you!

Getting into the dental school you want, and can be proud of, will require a compelling personal statement, outstanding supplemental essays, an influential application, and acing your dental school interview with interview coaching … all of which we can help you with!

The one thing we can’t help you with is committing to following your dreams.

We have a team of former dental school admissions officers, admissions experts, and interview coaches that are here to help you! They are available on a limited, first-come, first-serve basis. Schedule your free dental school admissions advising consultation now.

If you have any questions or need any help at all, don't ever hesitate to reach out!


About the Author: Dr. Andrew Ghadimi, DDS

Dr. Andrew has served as the National Pre-Dental Liaison for the American Dental Education Association (ADEA), the same organization that runs the dental school application, ADEA AADSAS. He also served as the California Pre-Dental Chair for the ADEA Council of Students, Residents, and Fellows. Ghadimi was accepted to some of the most competitive dental schools in the world, and matriculated at UCLA's School of Dentistry. He founded Predenting because of his passion for helping other pre-dentals get accepted into their dream dental schools, and his unique admissions knowledge and insider information from working with current and former admissions officers. He has helped 450+ pre-dentals on their journey to dental school.

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to UCLA School of Dentistry, the American Dental Education Association, or any other organization.


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